Twenty Old Bailey are delighted to have become an accredited member of The Green Initiative, the UK’s only accreditation scheme for businesses committed to being greener and more sustainable through efficient management of their waste streams.

Twenty Old Bailey are committed to being a sustainable company through their energy management and waste recycling and they take this commitment very seriously. They have a recycling strategy in place based on separation at source and the occupiers at Twenty Old Bailey are required to separate their waste into mixed recyclables and residual waste.
Becoming accredited with The Green Initiative lets everyone know, from colleagues and suppliers through to tenants and clients, that they are truly committed to sustainability through their waste streams, and their dedicated web page enables them to share their green achievements in all their communications from emails to their website and social media.
At 20 Old Bailey we are committed to promoting a sustainable waste management system for the building. We are very proud to have achieved this green accreditation.
We are thrilled to see Helix Property Advisors building – Twenty Old Bailey taking their commitment to sustainable waste management seriously and gaining their green accreditation.
More About Twenty Old Bailey
20 Old Bailey, an office building in the City of London, has in place numerous initiatives which touch on all elements of ESG, including:
- 100% green gas and electricity supplies to the building with solar panels on the roof and a rainwater harvesting system used for the showers and WCs in the basement to reduce the water usage in the building
- Waste handling has been completely remodelled to ensure both cost-effective operations but more importantly, a significant reduction in carbon.
We set up a Green Committee with all occupiers to ensure a joined-up approach to sustainability, energy management and waste recycling.
More About The Green Initiative©
The Green Initiative© is the UK’s 1st accreditation scheme for businesses committed to being greener and more sustainable through efficient waste management.
We reward your commitment by providing incredibly powerful tools and marketing resources normally only available to companies with big budgets. The Green Initiative provides a powerful & feel-good vibe through every communication and every interaction of your business.