A recent accreditee company explained their reason for accreditation. They explained that in the hospitality marketplace, every day they are asked on supply and tender documents their strategy for Waste & Recycling. The questions got more and more involved as time went on.
The fact is business now wants to do business with like minded businesses with a sound green ethos and strategy in place. That ultimately requires a more detailed explanation. That is exactly what The Green Initiatitive provides. A detailed waste & recycling trategy through the dedicated webpage each accreditee gets with accreditation.
This enables 100% consistency of answer, not only for each tender application, but also for every customer to understaand, the supply chain to that business and the staff in the business to clearly understand and adhere to.
The Mission Statement is an important facet of the client web page. It demonstrates the current and future commitment. The plan and ethos of the company. Then finally the individual waste streams that are being dealt with in a sustainable way are profiled.
Find out how we can benefit for tenders and supply requests here