Twenty Old Bailey

Valid until
1st December 2024
20 Old Bailey

Mission Statement:
At 20 Old Bailey the landlord and management team are committed to promoting an economic and sustainable waste management system for the building.
The recycling strategy is based on a separation at source and the occupiers at 20 Old Bailey are required to separate their waste into mixed recyclables and residual waste as set out below:
Plans that have been Implemented:
• Glass crusher installation- The EWPR187 Bottle Crusher is a compact solution which enables it to cater for high volume bottle crushing, sites with limited space availability or budget requirements. This volume fed bottle crusher can crush up to 4000 bottles per hour or 680 bottles in 10 minutes. The built-in extraction system makes it ideal for use in areas with restricted ventilation. Waste glass is collected in a 140L wheelie bin located inside the machine.
• New signage has been installed into the waste room to clearly indicate which items can be added to each waste stream. These include both icons and typography and will be colour coded to each waste stream.
• We have a ‘one team’ mentality and will make sure that all suppliers based on site understand the processes in place and their importance.
• A waste control board is installed in the waste room to note non-compliance and good practise.
• Installation of Food bio-digester, rotary compactor for DMR, cardboard baler & General waste compactor. Initially the rotary compactor was to be used for the General Waste however we have made a change to the process to bale the DMR and compact the General. This should reduce collections further.
• We will continue with a zero to landfill policy.
• Weightron system for itemised weighing of waste per tenant and per waste stream.
Justyna Nunn
Senior Building Manager

We are commited to the following green initiatives.
Cardboard / paper
Mixed recycling
Recycled packaging

We are committed to a greener future, are you?
Being good deserves to feel good